Jiuzhaigou was breathtaking. The best water scenery ever. I had the opportunity to visit it before the 2017 earthquake and I am sure it will be restored to its original beauty. Some of the most beautiful attractions I have seen are documented with my little film camera that more people should know about.

Mirror Lake 镜海

Mirror Lake, Jiuzhaigou

There are indeed countless points of interest within Jiuzhaigou itself and I can hardly choose a favourite one. This is probably one of the least crowded and underrated scenic point – Mirror Lake.

Traditional Tibetan Houses 藏族人民建筑

Tibetan Style Houses

If you are following the recommended visiting route, nearing the last few scenery points you’ll walk by these rows of traditional Tibetan houses. I had a bowl of wantons here, didn’t scored high on taste but dining ambience definitely hit the spot.

Five-coloured Pond 五彩池

Five-coloured Pond

Known as the Five-coloured Pond, it is believed that the pig from Journey to the West, Zhu Ba Jie have peeped at fairies bathing in this pond. Not an unfamiliar story to Chinese, but I have never imagined the pond would look as mesmerising as this. Thanks to the mineral in the water, the colour is exactly what you are seeing in this picture.

Long Lake 长海

Long Lake

Here we are at a high altitude of over 3,000km, this is the Long Lake. Due to the bright lighting, I couldn’t capture the actual Long Lake, which measures 5km in length.

Autumn Scenes

Jiuzhaigou Autumn Scenes

Still managed to capture some autumn scenery during early December, but still extremely cold for me.

To get to Jiuzhaigou, I took a 10-hour bus ride from Chengdu which basically took up the entire day. I put aside 3 days for this trip but 2 days are meant for commuting. If you ask, it is definitely worth it. You can finish visiting all the attractions in one day. Go for it!