welcome to the lazy holiday.

When the 9-5 lifestyle kicks in, we crave for a relaxing holiday, or in fact anything that let us get away from the desk. Here we are – no bustling, no hustling, no full blast parties, no overdose of alcohol, just enjoy the moment immersed in local culture.

Our generation is no longer about that mainstream travel or bringing home stuff that we won’t use more than a couple of times. No longer about bragging to relatives and acquaintances the destinations you have ticked off the list.

This generation is changing – joining tours are out of the equation. We are looking for adventures and our own stories to tell.

Right here, you will find real guides and experiences shared by the lazy committee who are passionate about cultures and local food. Itineraries that are curated and away from the tourist crowds. We don’t discriminate cities or rural, we love them all for they are part of the locals’ way of life.


“Travel isn’t always pretty. It isn’t always comfortable. Sometimes it hurts, it even breaks your heart. But that’s okay. The journey changes you; it should change you.” – Anthony Bourdain

work with us.

about the founder.

Hi, my name is Carys. This website started out for like-minded individuals who are looking out of the classic ‘things to do in ________’ list, to provide a new perspective of travelling and for those who don’t enjoy paying more than what a local is paying.

I very much believe in ‘time wasted is time well spent’. Travelling shouldn’t make you worn out, it shouldn’t make you more exhausted than you already are from your daily routine. Every holiday should be lazy, it should be enriching and it should recharge you emotionally to go on a longer journey. 

I hope my content can help you take that first step. If you have any suggestions, feel free to connect with me at thelazyholiday@gmail.com.

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