

Alishan stone carving
Lifestyle, Travel Guide

Lazy 24 hours guide to Alishan – including the 5 wonders of Alishan

I thought long and hard about it before heading to Alishan – how can I take on Alishan the best way because every itinerary seemed to be really tedious. A tour could be the easy way out but is that really necessary? After experiencing it, it’s just not as complicated as it seemed thanks to the extensive tourism programme by the government. Everything just falls right in place when we were there. A day trip was definitely not sufficient so…

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Alishan cloud sea
Lifestyle, Travel Guide

The best spot to catch Alishan sunrise – the locals’ choice!

A simple Google search for Alishan will give you return results of ‘The 5 Wonders of Alishan’ – one of which includes the popular sunrise scene. Witnessing the first sunrise of the year holds great significance to many and for that, it is taken very seriously. We found the special spot that locals have prepared to celebrate the coming of the new year! A 15-minute walk from the Zhushan Station 祝山車站 will get you away from the massive crowd and…

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